Most Frequently Asked Reset Questions Answered
Can I eat out?
Absolutely. Simply keep a copy of the What to Eat page with you so you can request your server to modify a plate for your needs.
What exactly does a reset involve?
Reset vary a lot and depend on the individual, their goals and level of health.

Generally they involve a combination of natural healthy foods, dietary improvements and lifestyle changes.

Reset are designed to encourage the removal of toxins from your body, improving your liver function and overall well-being.

Will I lose weight by doing a reset?
Often people will lose weight doing the reset, but it’s important to remember that the purpose of a reset is to reset your organs, not to shed pounds.

With that said, doing a reset before you start a weight loss program is a great way to condition your body for the journey. 

The weight loss usually happens because you start to retain less water.

Water retention can occur as a result of sugar consumption, food intolerances and excess carbs. Cutting these out of your diet, as well as foods your body has difficulty with, also improves bloating.

Do I have to give up coffee and wine?
Unfortunately, yes to alcohol, but no to coffee. Both coffee and alcohol are really difficult for your liver to process.

For the best result, it’s important to give up both for the duration of your reset…but after having some people say they would not do the reset if they HAD TO give up coffee, we changed the rules.

It’s a good idea to start weaning yourself off caffeine and alcohol for a little while before you start your detox – it makes the adjustment a lot easier!

What I found is many people taper their caffeine during the reset, or join me on another reset (to continue their progress) and continue their tapering of the caffeine.
Do I have to eat differently during a Reset?
Most of the time, a change in diet is necessary.

It’s best to eat foods that can be digested easily, and of course natural, wholesome food is always preferred.

Steamed or raw vegetables, chicken, fish, soups and broths are all good options.

Try to eat what’s in season too, as this will ensure you’re getting the appropriate nutrients for your body as well as having food temperatures for the time of year.

Like more soups and stews in the Winter and cooling  foods in the Summer.

At the end of the day, it really comes down to what works for you.

While some people can survive quite happily on raw salads and grains, others need more variety.

I have travel plans. Can I do the Reset while traveling?
Absolutely. The 21 Day Health & Weight Loss Reset is designed to be modified to suit your lifestyle. The majority of the food can be purchased as local markets and ordered on standard restaurant menus.

When I travel, I include reset foods in my carry on bag, like bananas, apples, raw unsalted nuts. In my check in bag I'll usually have some ginger tea, almond butter, and brown rice cakes or rice crackers.

Often, those that travel will me will initially tease me for bringing foods...but they often end up noshing on it too!
When is the best time to start a Reset?
Spring is a really nice time of year for a little internal cleaning.

A change in season in general is a great time to do a reset.

It’s during these times that our body’s requirements change, so doing a
21 Day Health & Weight Loss Reset can give you a boost of energy right when you need it.

Otherwise, it’s always a good idea to do a reset after a time of consistent overindulgence. 

On the flip side, there are times where reset is not a good idea.

Doing a reset while you’re pregnant, stressed, sick or still recovering is not recommended.

I am an athlete. Can I still do my exercise and training while on the Reset?
You can, but don’t overdo it.

Sweating can help your body to detoxify, but it’s best to exercise caution.

Your body needs additional rest during a reset so allowing a little more spaciousness in your schedule and modifying your workouts during the reset (so they are less intense) can actually help you become a better athlete in the end.
I cook for my family, not just me. How will this affect our meals together?
It will. In a good way.

Cooking while on a Reset is not a punishment! You are gifted with the opportunity to model healthier eating habits to your family while introducing them to ingredients.

Is this Reset vegan?
This is a hypoallergenic reset that starts as vegan but can be modified to meat eaters by incorporating fish and chicken.

How will I know if the reset is working?
Everybody is different and the effects of a reset vary. A Reset works by releasing the toxins and as they work their way out of your body, they can cause a variety of side effects along the way.

It is quite normal to feel worse before you feel better. Sometimes people experience headaches, fatigue, nausea and even flu like symptoms.

Especially if you had a lot of sugar, alcohol and processed food in your eating before starting the reset.

Others may experience bad skin, stronger smelling sweat and urine or a coating on their tongue that causes bad breath.

While these kinds of symptoms are all signs that your body is detoxifying, they can be quite overwhelming, even if they are temporary.

If they continue, you should consult your healthcare professional.

What if I can’t get organic foods. Can I still do the Reset?

Yes. Simply get the highest quality foods you can based on your demographic and budget.

Can I take my regular supplements and medication during a Reset?
Often you can continue taking your medication or supplements while you're on reset, but it depends what they are.

It’s always best to check with your healthcare professional before starting a reset, just to be sure.

How often should you Reset?
While it’s reasonably common practice to do two resets a year, it really depends on your lifestyle.

With an Ayurvedic-based reset, we detox at the changes of the seasons for Spring and Fall.

There is no reason why you can’t do more if you feel you need them.

If you’re feeling sluggish or if you’ve been eating a lot of processed foods, it could be a good time for a reset.

What is 21 day Health & Weight Loss Reset?
This hypoallergenic reset is not about counting calories or portion control.

It's not about buying special potions or packaged foods.

It's about learning what works for your unique body and what doesn't, so you can feel better, with more energy and become a healthier you.